For Theatre and Dance Spaces
Workshops on:
Power Dynamics, Consent-Forward Practices, Boundaries, Closure, & the Ethics of Touch.
The Power Dynamics between teacher and students, as well as the tradition of touch-centric and teacher-centric pedagogies make movement studios and performer training programs vulnerable to abuses of power.
Thankfully, these are also places that can facilitate personal agency through implementation of Consent-forward Practices, Ethics of Touch, and a creation of “Power With”.
Nicole offers consultations, workshops and courses through Momentum Stage. She designed the Care-full Creativity Accreditation Program offered through Momentum for studios to demonstrate training and commitment in consent-forward, trauma-informed, psychologically safe dance pedagogy.
Nicole is proud to be a Guide for Dance Education Equity Association on these topics and has worked with multiple dance studios, conventions, and competitions on these topics.
Schools and Academic Spaces
The Power Dynamics that exist in studios are significantly compounded by grading in academic settings. As teachers, we have a responsibility to teach our students not just technique, but offer opportunities for them to step into their own personal and creative powers.
Nicole offers dance and/or theatre institutional consultations and guest sessions for professional development or for students through Momentum Stage. Institutional consultations have included writing and/or advising policies on instructional touch and/or staged intimacy for theatre, dance, and/or film departments.
She designed the Care-full Creativity Accreditation Program offered through Momentum for academic dance programs to demonstrate training and commitment in consent-forward, trauma-informed, psychologically safe dance pedagogy.
Nicole teaches pedagogy courses through Momentum Stage, NDEO, and The Laban Institute for Movement Studies (LIMS).
Past clients include:
Barry University
Drexel University (Theatre)
Episcopal Academy (HS Fine and Performing Arts Dept.)
Kansas State University (Dance)
Lynn University (Theatre)
NC State University (Dance)
New World School of the Arts (College Theatre Dept)
New York Film Academy- Miami Beach
PA Leadership Charter School (MS/HS Fine and Performing Arts Dept.)
University of Central Florida (Grad Film)
University of Miami (Dance) (Grad and Undergrad Film)
University of New Hampshire (Theatre)
University of Utah (Undergrad, Dance)
University of Tampa
University of Wyoming (Dance)
Utah Valley University (Dance)
W & L University (Theatre, Dance, and Film Studies)
Actors’ Think Tank
Book from Tape
City Theatre (South Florida)
Dance Data Project
Drama Teacher’s Academy
IADMS (with Intimacy Direction in Dance)
Maltz Jupiter Theatre (South Florida)
Professional Companies
The professional dance and theatre worlds are not exempt from abuses of power, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Consent-based practices can be an integrated part of professional work for actors and dancers. Intimacy choreography can also be applied in dance as well as theatre.
Learn how to support your performers, and keep them safe, so they can be their best creative selves in your spaces. Nicole offers consultations, workshops and courses through Momentum Stage. Past clients include:
Miami New Drama
Minding the Gap (with Intimacy Direction in Dance)
One Dance UK
Shakespeare & Company
The South Florida Theatre League
Theatre Alliance Roundtable (San Diego)
TheatreLab (South Florida)
Theatrical Outfit (Atlanta)
Nicole is proud to be Guide for Dance Education Equity Association on these topics and has worked with multiple dance conventions and competitions on these topics.
“[Nicole]’s workshop refined my professional philosophy and perspective as an actor.”
Conference Presentations
Nicole regularly presents abbreviated versions of her consent and power dynamics work at dance and theatre specific conferences. Past appearances include:
International Thespian Festival- upcoming June 2025.
National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) Virtual Webinar on Dance and Gender- upcoming, March 2025.
ARTs+Change- 2021, 2022 and 2025
Dancing With Decolonization- August 2024
Utah Dance Education Organization- November 2023
NDEO National Conference- 2021 and 2023
I-PATH- August 2023
FL Thespian Festival (HS)- 2023
Ann Craft Trust Safeguarding Adults in Sport (UK)- 2022
American Alliance for Theatre Education- 2021 and 2022
Pennsylvania Dance Education Organization- 2022
Disrupt Dance Summit- 2021
Children, Youth, and Performance International Conference- 2021
Social Distance Showdown- 2020
Women’s Theatre Festival- 2020
NY Thespian Festival (HS)- 2020
OH Thespian Festival (HS)- 2021
Nicole appears at conferences through Momentum Stage.
Nicole offers consulting for dance conventions, production companies, academic institutions, screenwriters and playwrights on:
Dance and Dance History
Intimacy for Stage and Screen
Pedagogy- particularly the integration of consent-forward, trauma-informed, psychologically safe tools for movement classrooms
Theatre and Theatre History
Ex-vangelical and/or Deconstructed Christian faith, particularly in light of the Christian Nationalist Movement
Nicole in conversation with audience members at the 40th Anniversary Miami Film Festival. March 2023, about “What is Intimacy Coordination”.
Women in Film and TV Workshop Wednesday June 2023- What is Intimacy Coordination
Miami Film Festival, 2023- What is Intimacy Coordination
Film Florida Fridays, Oct. 2022- What is Intimacy Coordination
Wilzig Erotic Art Museum “Tea & Sex” Series, July 2020- Intimacy and Sex in Entertainment
See all current publications here.